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Chapel St.Joost, Breda on 19 November 2021 (live)
Photo by Hana Josic
Photo by Hana Josic
Subject of presentation
In Western thought, plants are conceived of as beings simple enough to be fully comprehended and subsequently controlled/managed. In the PLANTMACHINE series I insist on intensifying the relationship between information technology and plants, identifying in it two critical features of the current situation: the urgency to reconstruct our relationship to plants, and the ontological flattening in which plants and the statistical human essentially become equal.
Concise resume
Špela’s artistic practice combines the natural sciences, wet bio-media practices, performance, and critically examines the limits of anthropocentrism via multi-species endeavors. Throughout artistic experiments that enact strange relations, I reveal the ontological and epistemological underpinnings of our (bio)technological societies.