14:45 - 15:30

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Refectory St.Joost, Breda on 19 November 2021 (live)

Full Program

Clarice Risseeuw

Capturing and characterizing Flavobacteria’s structural colour

Full program

Subject of presentation

Flavobacteria could become a sustainable natural alternative for the colouring industry as they are capable of creating optical structures that interact with light. Their dazzling structural colour changes over time as the bacteria expand over a surface and is dependent on the illumination and viewing angle. In order to get a better understanding of these colourations and explore their potential, a tool was designed that allows for capturing and characterizing this living, iridescent colour. Join this presentation to learn about Flavo, their beautiful colours and their possibilities for design.

Concise resume

During her graduation project of the MSc Integrated Product Design at Delft University, Clarice started working with Flavobacteria. Throughout the project, Clarice captured, characterized, and communicated Flavobacteria’s unique, iridescent and temporal appearance. Afterward, she joined the research group Biobased Art and Design of Avans University of Applied Sciences to continue the research on Flavobacteria. The aim of this research is to get an understanding of the microorganism’s response to different environmental factors and thereby result in the ability to steer the vivid colourations.