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Refectory St.Joost, Breda on 19 November 2021 (live)
Photo by Klasien van de Zandschulp
Photo by Klasien van de Zandschulp
Subject of presentation
In this presentation we will give an impression of the results of a workshop we organized, called ‘Miraculous Futures for Living Materials’. Building on the Miraculous Futures card deck – a tool for developing speculative stories – developed by Klasien van de Zandschulp en Ashley Baccus-Clark, a special edition of this card deck was made focusing on working with living materials.
The workshop aims to broaden the perspective of (bio)designers on living materials, but also to match different practices and insights and to work together on innovative concepts. In the presentation we will share some of the outcomes of the workshop and will reflect on what the workshop meant for our research: for Hazal this is focused on the use of certain vocabulary in working with living materials (translated in the card deck), and for Sarah it’s focused on the impact of using (speculative) storytelling strategies in the context of the lab.
This workshop was part of the SIA GoCi Matchmaking programme and was financially supported by SIA.
Concise resumes
Sarah Lugthart
From 2010 on Sarah has been working as a tutor at St. Joost School of Art & Design, lecturing on topics like media theory, visual culture and digital storytelling. More recently she is involved in the minor Research in Immersive Storytelling as a coordinator and tutor, a program developed together with ACUE/CMD in Breda. Since 2016 Sarah is also a researcher within the Caradt research groups Situated Art and Design and Biobased Art and Design, focusing on situated design, situated learning and immersive storytelling.
Hazal Ertürkan
Hazal Ertürkan is a researcher within the Biobased Art and Design Research Group of Caradt and works as a design researcher and material designer at Delft University of Technology. She graduated in Industrial Design from Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara, Turkey, in 2015, where she subsequently joined the Master of Science Programme in the same department at METU.
During her exchange at TU Delft’s Design for Interaction Master’s Programme, she gained experience in the positive design field and material-driven design through her research and design internship in Delft Institute of Positive Design. Her current Ph.D. project is a collaboration between TU Delft and Avans Caradt and aims to facilitate a holistic understanding of the way living materials (e.g. materials from bacteria, algae, fungi) make us think, feel, and act by drawing attention to their unique temporal qualities (i.e. Living Aesthetics) as one of the fundamental challenges in designing living artefacts.